Episode Archives

Episode 18: A Musical Journey & Loving the Grind

In this long awaited episode, David discusses his journey through the Midwest and how loving the everyday grind is a mirror into ourselves.

Episode 17: Jeffrey Brown

David talks with cartoonist & illustrator, Jeffrey Brown. They discuss Jeffrey’s early beginnings in writing autobiographical comics, the importance of mentors in his work, dealing with criticism, and his natural transition into writing children’s books, including Darth Vader & Son, The Jedi Academy series, and his most recent series, Lucy & Andy Neanderthal.

Episode 16: Dana Colley

David talks with Dana Colley, former Baritone Saxophone player for the Boston seminal low-rock band, Morphine, TwinemenA.K.A.C.O.D. & his current band, Vapors of Morphine. They discuss Dana’s early life of learning to play the tonette, hearing the “siren’s call” to move to Boston, his first time playing with Mark Sandman, & the importance of moving on & growing as a musician.



Episode 15: Ben Hersey

David chats with author, musician & performance artist, Ben Hersey. They discuss Ben’s first book, The Autograph of Steve Industry, the challenges of parenting, how the loss of his father moved Ben to realize his creative pursuits, and the need to see the mundane as “studio time” to be present, learn and grow.

Episode 14: Brad Warner

David talks to Brad Warner, an American Sōtō Zen monk, author, bloggerdocumentarian and punk rock bass guitarist.  They discuss the history of American Zen from Japan, his journey to work on monster movies in Japan, and the challenge in teaching the importance of “craving the boredom” within our everyday lives. 


Episode 13: Dealing With Adveristy

In this solo episode, David breaks down some thoughts from his previous interview with his brother, Thomas Garbarino and also discusses how to deal with adversity when it pops up in life.



Episode 12: Thomas Garbarino Part 2

David talks with his brother, Thomas Garbarino, a Chinese medicine practitioner, healing coach, and teacher. In part 2 of this interview, they discuss the importance of eating the bitter everyday, understanding the future is to look backwards, and the need to be tenacious to go for what you love.


Thomas Garbarino: thomasgarbarino.com

Healing Infusions Group: healinginfusionsgroup.com

Gary Vaynerchuk: garyvaynerchuk.com

The Barbery in Keene, New Hampshire: facebook.com/TheBarberyKeene


Episode 11: Thomas Garbarino Part 1

David talks with his brother, Thomas Garbarino, a Chinese medicine practitioner, healing coach, and teacher. In part 1 of this interview, they discuss their upbringing and growing up in a entrepreneurial household, how the illness and death of their father at young age transformed their outlook on life, and how important is health in this information age.


Thomas Garbarino: thomasgarbarino.com

Healing Infusions Group: healinginfusionsgroup.com

Prescott College: prescott.edu



Episode 10: Jerry Hernandez

David talks to Los Angeles writer and comedian Jerry Hernandez.  They discuss Jerry’s early entrance into screenwriting, his transition to standup comedy, how it enabled him to write sketch for the comedy variety show, the Color Collective, & the importance to love your own work.


November Rain 1986 Demo: youtu.be/iOflIhelV8g

World Cup: fifa.com/worldcup

NBA: nba.com

Color Collective: packtheater.com/teams/the-color-collective


Episode 9: Alexandra Hidalgo

David talks with writer and director Alexandra Hidalgo.  They discuss her early life: between the language and culture of two nations, her transition from writing fiction into documentary film making, and her current film project about her father titled, The Weeping Season.